Improve Your Metabolic Health After 50

End the confusion over what to eat at this time in your life to lose (and maintain) weight, reduce inflammation and balance blood sugar

What is metabolic health?

Metabolic health is how well your body manages the energy from the food you eat. It's like keeping your body's engine running smoothly. When your metabolic health is in good shape, you can more effortlessly lose and maintain weight, and prevent chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes and fatty liver.

What's Included?

  • Our entire approach to post-menopausal nutrition to heal your metabolism, lose weight, lower inflammation and balance blood sugar (with an emphasis on burning fat vs muscle).

  • An easy-to-follow and thorough guide for creating healthy, metabolism boosting meals every day (including a 2-week meal plan and shopping guide).

  • A step-by-step guide addressing the unique needs of your body after menopause (it's time to work with your body, not against it).

  • A complete breakdown of how to turn your meals from a metabolic bust to a metabolic burn (without feeling deprived).

  • Cheat sheets to easily make sure you are getting enough of the nutrients you need to keep your cells nourished and your body satisfied.

  • The opportunity to finally have an eating plan you can actually follow for the rest of your life (vs. one that stresses you out or keeps you on the hunt for "the next best diet"!)

Regular Price: $97

Today's Price: $47*

*Currently on sale

Success Stories:


Frequently Asked Questions

How is this different from all of the other diets I tried?

Most of the diets out there are based on restriction (restricting calories, points or food groups). They don't take into account our nutritional needs as we get older or the nutritional quality of the recommended foods.

How long do the recipes take to make?

We designed the recipes to be the perfect combo of simple BUT tasty. Most take under 30 minutes to make (and many less than 10 min!)

Are the ingredients weird or hard to find?

Nope. You can follow the plan without having to search for exotic foods, and will find most ingredients in your local supermarket.

Do your recipes contain gluten? What about dairy?

While not everyone has to give up gluten or dairy, none of our recipes contain gluten, and many do not contain dairy.

Is the plan restrictive? Do I have to give up all my favorite foods?

This is more of a guide vs a strict meal plan. We encourage you to use our formula as much as possible but there is no need to be over-restrictive and and give up all your favorite foods.

Can I follow this plan if I am vegan?

You bet. We have vegetarian AND vegan options.

Can I follow this plan if I have diabetes or another chronic illness?

Yes! The strategies we teach in NYP can actually help you manage the symptoms of diabetes, high blood pressure, inflammatory diseases, and a number of other health issues. While you should always let your doctor know when making changes to your diet, Navigate Your Plate is a safe and effective way to get a handle on your nutrition.

Want to see a sneak peak of the program?

Please note: Due to the digital nature of this these products, we do not offer refunds.

As 2 nutritionists over 50, we follow the principles outlined in this program so we can keep our weight in check, stay active and energized, reduce our risk of chronic illness and fully enjoy life in our second half.

But this is our why...Yours may be different. Why do you want to improve your metabolic health?

  • Do you want to lose weight?

  • Have less joint pain?

  • Lower your risk of chronic health conditions?

  • Stop having cravings rule your life?

  • Increase your energy?

  • Avoid taking more medications or possibly lower the ones you are taking?

And if you achieve the above, what will that do for you?

  • Increase your confidence?

  • Allow you to keep up with your grandkids?

  • Enjoy retirement without spending countless hours in the doctor's office?

  • Allow you to take that active vacation you've always dreamed of?

  • Feel good in your body again (and in your favorite clothes)?

Stop putting your health on the back burner!

This is your time to enjoy life to the fullest!